Update Three: First ever Tyndall Family Vacation!


So the Tyndalls ventured off into the great unknown and took our first ever family vacation with our son! We were terrified to take him out of his comfort zone, but knew it was time. We packed up the car..literally stuffed all his things into the trunk and journeyed to Surfside Beach Texas.

I am not going to lie…it was hard work! Keeping up with a toddler in someone else’s home is no joke, but we made so many memories as a family and Nathan and I tackled this task together which is always a blessing. At the end, we were proud that we did it and we felt like Rock Star parents!

As soon as we got there (about five hours) we immediately introduced him to the beach! His daddy did a great job of carrying him (he is heavy) while I carried the huge bag of beach toys we bought for the trip.

At first, Callen was afraid of the waves. He loves water so we were surprised, but he would run up to them and then when they came up close…he would turn around and say “no!” He finally got used to them our last day there and then loved them!

We rented this amazing house that was perfect for us. Our first night Callen was so tired that he had a huge breakdown at bedtime. He climbed out of the pack and play (has never happened) and screamed for about forty five minutes. We moved him into our room (which has never happened) in his pack and play since we don’t share our bed and he finally calmed down. After that first night, he did great every other nap and bedtime!

Callen’s biological brother lives near Surfside, so him and his family got to spend the day with us on Saturday. They had a great time swinging, tossing the ball, chasing each other, screaming-a lot and playing in the sand. I always love seeing them interact since it is unlikely Callen will get a sibling from us…it makes me smile to know he still has one.

Callen loved the sand! I am very appreciate of Shadymates for this shade we were able to set up in the sand just for him. It was lightweight, easy to carry and perfect for his toys!

We ventured to walk the jetty and were deceived at how long it was! Poor Callen was so hot by the end, but he was a trooper. We asked a fisherman to take this pic of our family and I love it!

This trip gave me so many chances to praise God and admire his creation. I ran the beach one day listening to my worship and praise music and just admired how small we are compared to this huge body of water. On the last day, I set my alarm to see the sunrise from our porch and it was glorious. In light of our troubles, there is so much goodness to be thankful for. God is good!

One of Callen’s favorite things to do is throw sand! It was a battle we faced all weekend. I love this outfit he is and it will what he is wearing in our next professional pics…such a cute beach outfit!

Finally, Callen loves hats and I thought this one of him wearing my floppy hat was just perfect! It sums up our adventure of family, laughing, relaxing and just making new memories together. I definitely see us making this a yearly trip!

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